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Using the Porch CLI

Using the porchctl cli

When Porch was ported to Nephio, the kpt alpha rpkg commands in kpt were moved into a new command called porchctl.

To use it locally, download, unpack and add it to your PATH.

Optional: Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell to add to your profile.

porchctl completion bash

Check that porchctl is working:

porchctl --help

porchctl interacts with a Kubernetes API server with the Porch
server installed as an aggregated API server. It allows you to
manage Porch repository registrations and the packages within
those repositories.

  porchctl [flags]
  porchctl [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  repo        Manage package repositories.
  rpkg        Manage packages.
  version     Print the version number of porchctl

  -h, --help                           help for porchctl
      --log-flush-frequency duration   Maximum number of seconds between log flushes (default 5s)
      --truncate-output                Enable the truncation for output (default true)
  -v, --v Level                        number for the log level verbosity

Use "porchctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The porchtcl command is an administration command for acting on Porch Repository (repo) and PackageRevision (rpkg) CRs.

The commands for administering repositories are:

Command Description
porchctl repo get List registered repositories.
porchctl repo reg Register a package repository.
porchctl repo unreg Unregister a repository.

The commands for administering package revisions are:

Command Description
porchctl rpkg approve Approve a proposal to publish a package revision.
porchctl rpkg clone Create a clone of an existing package revision.
porchctl rpkg copy Create a new package revision from an existing one.
porchctl rpkg del Delete a package revision.
porchctl rpkg get List package revisions in registered repositories.
porchctl rpkg init Initializes a new package in a repository.
porchctl rpkg propose Propose that a package revision should be published.
porchctl rpkg propose-delete Propose deletion of a published package revision.
porchctl rpkg pull Pull the content of the package revision.
porchctl rpkg push Push resources to a package revision.
porchctl rpkg reject Reject a proposal to publish or delete a package revision.
porchctl rpkg update Update a downstream package revision to a more recent revision of its upstream package.